[News Article] Triple-Up DEMM G20’s Chair Summary
Leony Avellince Wimantha — FPCI Chapter Universitas Airlangga
The Digital Economy Ministers Meeting (DEMM) was held in Nusa Dua, Bali on Thursday, September 1st, 2022. It was the culmination of the Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) meetings, as one of the working groups of the G20 that focuses on issues related to the digital economy and highlights the role of digital transformation on economic and social growth. The DEWG itself discussed three priority issues of the digital economy at the G20 Indonesia Presidency, including digital connectivity, digital skills and literacy and cross-country data flow.
The document summarizes agreements between the ministers for the digital economy on the three priority issues of the DEWG. It also summarizes all ideas and dynamics that developed during the series of G20 DEWG meetings presented by representatives of G20 member countries over the past six months. The formulation of concrete steps in the document will be presented as input for President Joko Widodo in leading the G20 Summit which will be held in November.
On the first priority issue regarding connectivity and post-COVID 19 recovery, Johnny G. Plate as the Minister of Communication and Informatics said the meeting agreed on the need for a people center in an effort to strengthen digital connectivity. The meeting, he said, also agreed on the importance of digital security as the key to business sustainability.
On the issue of digital skills and digital literacy which is the second priority issue, the DEMM meeting succeeded in compiling the “G20 toolkit for measuring digital skills and digital literacy”. The document is useful for standardizing the measurement of literacy indicators and digital skills for more objective public policy making and encouraging international cooperation in overcoming gaps between countries, responding to the challenges of a digital future.
On the issue of free data flow with trust and cross-border data flow, Plate said the DEWG forum has recognized the efforts of the Indonesian Presidency to initiate discussions on the principles of justice, transparency and legitimacy proposed by Indonesia.
The DEMM meeting was attended by digital ministers from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Singapore, Cambodia, South Africa, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. Meanwhile, Australia, Germany and Spain were represented by ministerial representatives.
DEMM was also attended by representatives from international organizations, including the Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Under Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).
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The Jakarta Post. 2022. People-centered Digital Connectivity among Issues raised at G20 Digital Economy Meeting. https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2022/09/06/people-centered-digital-connectivity-among-issues-raised-at-g20-digital-economy-meeting.html [Accessed September 21, 2022].
JCN NewsWire. 2022. G20 Digital Ministers yields Consensus on 3 Priorities. https://www.jcnnewswire.com/english/pressrelease/77728/2/G20-Digital-Ministers-yields-consensus-on-3-priorities [Accessed September 21, 2022].