[News Article] Big Dream, Small Me: Ramos-Horta’s Forever Dream of Timor-Leste’s ASEAN
Philipus Mikhael Priyo Nugroho — FPCI Universitas Airlangga
On the 20th of May, 2022, the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste inaugurated a new president. However, Jose Ramos-Horta, the president, has always been a household name in the nation. Therefore, he was central to Timor-Leste’s ASEAN membership aspiration. How would Ramos-Horta’s current term further this “national” interest?
Timor-Leste has vehemently engaged with ASEAN in its observer status for almost two decades. Timor-Leste’s tenure is characterised by its participation in ASEAN-led mechanisms, ranging from participating in the ASEAN Regional Forum, competing in the SEA Games, and acceding to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in 2007.
Article 6 of the ASEAN Charter states each nation wishing to be the bloc’s member must be a part of Southeast Asia, establish diplomatic relations with all ASEAN member-states, adhere to the Charter, and fulfil related obligations. Even if applicants meet those requirements, the ASEAN consensus is still the final hurdle that makes or breaks the applicant’s membership dream (Thuzar 2017).
Timor-Leste formally announced its intention to join ASEAN back in 2006 through a statement made by Jose Ramos-Horta, which explained that it was a strategic decision. After embarking on a diplomatic safari within the region and domestically guarded political unity towards the interest, the youngest Asian nation officially applied as a member in 2011.
In their study, Seixas et al. (2019) found that several ASEAN member-states narrated their rejection of Timor-Leste’s membership based on the nation’s lack of preparedness, ambivalent stance, and conflict potential. However, supported by the “power” of ASEAN Chairperson-which Indonesia will hold in 2023-to set the bloc’s yearly agenda, President Ramos-Horta has strongly reiterated that Timor-Leste will join ASEAN next year.
The new administration needs to revamp its strategy in membership aspiration. For starters, it needs to reassure ASEAN member-states that it will take steps to economically integrate with the region, or at least not be a “burden.” Further, Ramos-Horta should clarify his country’s “vote of shame” towards Myanmar’s Junta in the UN General Assembly last year. Seeing the potential adversities arising from its actions-or lack thereof-President Ramos-Horta’s forever dream might be unfulfilled again, even when Indonesia leads the ASEAN.
AFP News Agency, 2006. “East Timor Needs Five Years to Join ASEAN: PM” [Archived], AFP News, July 27th. In https://web.archive.org/web/20070610125604/http://www.aseansec.org/afp/154p.htm [accessed by May 2nd, 2022].
ANTARA News, 2011. “Timor Leste officially applies for ASEAN membership” [Online], ANTARA News, March 4th. In https://en.antaranews.com/news/68754/timor-leste-officially-applies-for-asean-membership [accessed by March 2nd, 2022].
ASEAN Charter, 2015. Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat.
Chairman’s Statement of the Twelfth Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Vientiane, 2005. Vientiane: ASEAN Regional Forum Chair.
Hunt, Luke, 2021. “Timor-Leste’s Bid for ASEAN Membership by Myanmar Vote” [Online], The Diplomat, June 29th. In https://thediplomat.com/2021/06/timor-lestes-bid-for-asean-membership-tarnished-by-myanmar-vote/ [accessed by May 2nd, 2022].
Instrument of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, 2007. Cebu, the Philippines: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste.
Seixas, Paulo Castro et al., 2019. “The ‘Readiness’ of Timor-Leste: Narratives about the Admission Procedure to ASEAN”, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 38 (2): 149–171. DOI: 10.1177/1868103419867511.
Thuzar, Moe, 2017. “What does it take to join ASEAN?”, ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute: Perspective, №36, June 2nd.
Woortman, Amber, and Duncan McCargo, 2022. “East Timor’s president-elect says ASEAN membership a top priority” [online], NIKKEI ASIA, April 21st. In https://asia.nikkei.com/Editor-s-Picks/Interview/East-Timor-s-president-elect-says-ASEAN-membership-a-top-priority [accessed by May 2nd, 2022].